Last week, heavy on the heart. finished all tracking of their debut record “It’s You That Needs To Think” and will be submitted for mixing sometime mid next week. We are still weighing out options on who exactly we want to mix the record and will have more details regarding that in the coming weeks.

Yesterday, February 16, 2023 we wrapped up filming for our debut music video and single “Mr. Know It All” with the amazing Celia Werner at C.W. Productions. “Mr. Know It All” is being mixed and mastered by Gary Cioffi Jr. who has worked with Transit, Grayscale and Four Year Strong. A good friend of mine and stoked to be working with him again.

Writing mode has been in full affect. We are already mapping out the follow up record and are stoked on the music we currently are working on.

Our first out of state show is in Harrisburg, PA on February 28, 2023 at the Harrisburg Midtown Arts Center and I cannot explain how excited I am to be returning to Harrisburg. One of my favorite cities in the north east.

Stoked for what is coming and cannot wait to share more.



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